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Centro de Essência Pura

Informações sobre tratamento e diretrizes de segurança

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  • Botox no Pure Essence Center

    BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) Important Information


    BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is indicated in adult patients for the temporary improvement in the appearance of:

    – Moderate to severe glabellar lines associated with corrugator and/or procerus muscle activity

    – Moderate to severe lateral canthal lines associated with orbicularis oculi activity

    – Moderate to severe forehead lines associated with frontalis activity



    Postmarketing reports indicate that the effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic and all botulinum toxin products may spread from the area of injection to produce symptoms consistent with botulinum toxin effects. These may include asthenia, generalized muscle weakness, diplopia, ptosis, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysarthria, urinary incontinence, and breathing difficulties. These symptoms have been reported hours to weeks after injection. Swallowing and breathing difficulties can be life threatening and there have been reports of death. The risk of symptoms is probably greatest in children treated for spasticity, but symptoms can also occur in adults treated for spasticity and other conditions, particularly in those patients who have an underlying condition that would predispose them to these symptoms. In unapproved uses and approved indications, cases of spread of effect have been reported at doses comparable to those used to treat cervical dystonia and spasticity and at lower doses.


    BOTOX® Cosmetic is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any botulinum toxin preparation or to any of the components in the formulation.


    Lack of Interchangeability Between Botulinum Toxin Products

    The potency units of BOTOX® Cosmetic are specific to the preparation and assay method utilized. They are not interchangeable with other preparations of botulinum toxin products and, therefore, units of biological activity of BOTOX® Cosmetic cannot be compared to nor converted into units of any other botulinum toxin products assessed with any other specific assay method.

    Spread of Toxin Effect

    Please refer to Boxed Warning for Distant Spread of Toxin Effect.

    No definitive serious adverse event reports of distant spread of toxin effect associated with dermatologic use of BOTOX® Cosmetic at the labeled dose of 20 Units (for glabellar lines), 24 Units (for lateral canthal lines), 40 Units (for forehead lines with glabellar lines), 44 Units (for simultaneous treatment of lateral canthal lines and glabellar lines), and 64 Units (for simultaneous treatment of lateral canthal lines, glabellar lines, and forehead lines) have been reported. Patients or caregivers should be advised to seek immediate medical care if swallowing, speech, or respiratory disorders occur.

    Serious Adverse Reactions With Unapproved Use

    Serious adverse reactions, including excessive weakness, dysphagia, and aspiration pneumonia, with some adverse reactions associated with fatal outcomes, have been reported in patients who received BOTOX® injections for unapproved uses. In these cases, the adverse reactions were not necessarily related to distant spread of toxin, but may have resulted from the administration of BOTOX® to the site of injection and/or adjacent structures. In several of the cases, patients had pre-existing dysphagia or other significant disabilities. There is insufficient information to identify factors associated with an increased risk for adverse reactions associated with the unapproved uses of BOTOX®. The safety and effectiveness of BOTOX® for unapproved uses have not been established.

    Hypersensitivity Reactions

    Serious and/or immediate hypersensitivity reactions have been reported. These reactions include anaphylaxis, serum sickness, urticaria, soft-tissue edema, and dyspnea. If such reactions occur, further injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic should be discontinued and appropriate medical therapy immediately instituted. One fatal case of anaphylaxis has been reported in which lidocaine was used as the diluent and, consequently, the causal agent cannot be reliably determined.

    Cardiovascular System

    There have been reports following administration of BOTOX® of adverse events involving the cardiovascular system, including arrhythmia and myocardial infarction, some with fatal outcomes. Some of these patients had risk factors including pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Use caution when administering to patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease.

    Increased Risk of Clinically Significant Effects With Pre-existing Neuromuscular Disorders

    Individuals with peripheral motor neuropathic diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or neuromuscular junction disorders (eg, myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome) should be monitored when given botulinum toxin. Patients with neuromuscular disorders may be at increased risk of clinically significant effects including generalized muscle weakness, diplopia, ptosis, dysphonia, dysarthria, severe dysphagia, and respiratory compromise from onabotulinumtoxinA (see Warnings and Precautions).

    Dysphagia and Breathing Difficulties

    Treatment with BOTOX® and other botulinum toxin products can result in swallowing or breathing difficulties. Patients with pre-existing swallowing or breathing difficulties may be more susceptible to these complications. In most cases, this is a consequence of weakening of muscles in the area of injection that are involved in breathing or oropharyngeal muscles that control swallowing or breathing (see Boxed Warning).

    Pre-existing Conditions at the Injection Site

    Caution should be used when BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment is used in the presence of inflammation at the proposed injection site(s) or when excessive weakness or atrophy is present in the target muscle(s).

    Dry Eye in Patients Treated With BOTOX® Cosmetic

    There have been reports of dry eye associated with BOTOX® Cosmetic injection in or near the orbicularis oculi muscle. If symptoms of dry eye (eg, eye irritation, photophobia, or visual changes) persist, consider referring patients to an ophthalmologist.

    Human Albumin and Transmission of Viral Diseases

    This product contains albumin, a derivative of human blood. Based on effective donor screening and product manufacturing processes, it carries an extremely remote risk for transmission of viral diseases and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). There is a theoretical risk for transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), but if that risk actually exists, the risk of transmission would also be considered extremely remote. No cases of transmission of viral diseases, CJD or vCJD have ever been identified for licensed albumin or albumin contained in other licensed products.


    The most frequently reported adverse reactions following injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic for glabellar lines were eyelid ptosis (3%), facial pain (1%), facial paresis (1%), and muscular weakness (1%).

    The most frequently reported adverse reaction following injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic for lateral canthal lines was eyelid edema (1%).

    The most frequently reported adverse reactions following injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic for forehead lines with glabellar lines were headache (9%), brow ptosis (2%), and eyelid ptosis (2%).


    Co-administration of BOTOX® Cosmetic and aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (eg, curare-like compounds) should only be performed with caution as the effect of the toxin may be potentiated. Use of anticholinergic drugs after administration of BOTOX® Cosmetic may potentiate systemic anticholinergic effects.

    The effect of administering different botulinum neurotoxin products at the same time or within several months of each other is unknown. Excessive neuromuscular weakness may be exacerbated by administration of another botulinum toxin prior to the resolution of the effects of a previously administered botulinum toxin.

    Excessive weakness may also be exaggerated by administration of a muscle relaxant before or after administration of BOTOX® Cosmetic.


    There are no studies or adequate data from postmarketing surveillance on the developmental risk associated with use of BOTOX® Cosmetic in pregnant women. There are no data on the presence of BOTOX® Cosmetic in human or animal milk, the effects on the breastfed child, or the effects on milk production.

    Please see BOTOX® Cosmetic full Prescribing Information including Boxed Warning and Medication Guide.


  • INFORMAÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA para injeção de DAXXIFY™ (daxibotulinumtoxinA-Ianm) DAXXIFY™ pode causar efeitos colaterais sérios que podem ser fatais. Procure ajuda médica imediatamente se tiver algum destes problemas a qualquer momento (horas ou semanas) após a injeção de DAXXIFY™:

    • Problemas para engolir, falar ou respirar devido ao enfraquecimento dos músculos associados podem ser graves e resultar em perda de vida. Você corre o maior risco se esses problemas forem preexistentes antes da injeção. Problemas para engolir podem durar vários meses.

    • Propagação dos efeitos da toxina. O efeito da toxina botulínica pode afetar áreas distantes do local da injeção e causar sintomas sérios que incluem perda de força e fraqueza muscular generalizada, visão dupla, visão turva e pálpebras caídas, rouquidão ou alteração ou perda da voz, dificuldade para dizer palavras claramente, perda do controle da bexiga, dificuldade para respirar e dificuldade para engolir.•

    Não receba DAXXIFY™ se você for alérgico a qualquer um dos ingredientes do DAXXIFY™ (consulte o Guia de Medicamentos para obter os ingredientes); teve uma reação alérgica a qualquer outro produto de toxina botulínica, como rimabotulinumtoxinB (MYOBLOC®), onabotulinumtoxinA (BOTOX®/BOTOX® Cosmetic),
    abobotulinumtoxinA (DYSPORT®), incobotulinumtoxinA (XEOMIN®) ou prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs (JEUVEAU®); ou ter uma infecção de pele no local planejado para a injeção.

    As unidades de dosagem DAXXIFY™ não são iguais ou comparáveis a qualquer outro produto de toxina botulínica.
    Informe ao seu médico sobre todas as suas condições médicas, incluindo quaisquer efeitos colaterais dos produtos de toxina botulínica, incluindo olho seco; problemas respiratórios, de deglutição, sangramento ou cardíacos; planos de fazer uma cirurgia; fraqueza dos músculos da testa; pálpebras caídas; fez uma cirurgia no rosto; está
    grávida ou amamentando ou planeja engravidar ou amamentar.
    Informe ao seu médico sobre todos os medicamentos que você toma, incluindo medicamentos prescritos e de venda livre, vitaminas e suplementos de ervas.
    Usar DAXXIFY™ com certos outros medicamentos pode causar efeitos colaterais sérios. Não comece a tomar nenhum medicamento novo até que tenha informado ao seu médico que você recebeu DAXXIFY™ no passado.
    Em especial, informe ao seu médico se você recebeu algum outro produto de toxina botulínica nos últimos 4 meses ou no passado, e exatamente qual produto você recebeu (como BOTOX®, BOTOX® Cosmetic, MYOBLOC®, DYSPORT®, XEOMIN® ou JEUVEAU®). O DAXXIFY™ pode causar efeitos colaterais graves, incluindo reações alérgicas (como coceira, erupção cutânea, vermelhidão, inchaço, chiado, dificuldade para respirar ou tontura ou sensação de desmaio), problemas cardíacos (como batimento cardíaco irregular e ataque cardíaco) e problemas oculares (incluindo olho seco, redução do piscar e problemas na córnea). Informe ao seu médico ou procure ajuda médica imediatamente se você tiver um efeito colateral grave. Nenhum evento adverso grave de disseminação distante do efeito da toxina associado ao uso dermatológico do DAXXIFY™ foi relatado em estudos clínicos na dose de 40 unidades para linhas glabelares. Os efeitos colaterais mais comuns do DAXXIFY™ incluem dor de cabeça, queda das pálpebras e perda da capacidade de mover os músculos do rosto.

    Estes não são todos os efeitos colaterais possíveis do DAXXIFY™. Para mais informações, veja as Informações de Prescrição completas, incluindo Advertências na Caixa, e consulte o Guia de Medicamentos ou converse com seu médico. Para relatar efeitos colaterais associados ao DAXXIFY™, ligue para 1-877-373-8669. Você também pode relatar efeitos colaterais ao FDA em 1-800-FDA-1088 ou visite
    DAXXIFY™ é um medicamento de prescrição que é injetado nos músculos e usado em adultos para melhorar temporariamente a aparência de linhas de expressão moderadas a graves entre as sobrancelhas.


    Daxxify no Pure Essence Center
  • Centro de Essência Pura
    Kybella no Pure Essence Center

    KYBELLA® (ácido desoxicólico) injetável 10 mg/mL Informações importantes


    A injeção de KYBELLA® (ácido desoxicólico) é indicada para melhorar a aparência de convexidade ou plenitude moderada a grave associada à gordura submentoniana em adultos.

    O uso seguro e eficaz de KYBELLA® para o tratamento de gordura subcutânea fora da região submentoniana não foi estabelecido e não é recomendado.



    KYBELLA® é contraindicado na presença de infecção nos locais de injeção.


    Lesão do nervo mandibular marginal

    Casos de lesão do nervo mandibular marginal, manifestados como um sorriso assimétrico ou fraqueza muscular facial, foram relatados em 4% dos indivíduos nos ensaios clínicos; todos os casos foram resolvidos espontaneamente (intervalo de 1 a 298 dias, mediana de 44 dias). KYBELLA® não deve ser injetado no ramo mandibular marginal do nervo facial ou próximo a ele.


    Disfagia ocorreu em 2% dos indivíduos nos ensaios clínicos no contexto de reações no local da administração, por exemplo, dor, inchaço e endurecimento da área submentoniana; todos os casos de disfagia se resolveram espontaneamente (intervalo de 1 a 81 dias, mediana de 3 dias). Evite o uso de KYBELLA® em pacientes com histórico atual ou anterior de disfagia, pois o tratamento pode exacerbar a condição.

    Hematoma/hematoma no local da injeção

    Em ensaios clínicos, 72% dos indivíduos tratados com KYBELLA® apresentaram hematoma/hematomas. KYBELLA® deve ser usado com cautela em pacientes com anormalidades de sangramento ou que estejam atualmente sendo tratados com terapia antiplaquetária ou anticoagulante, pois pode ocorrer sangramento excessivo ou hematomas na área de tratamento.

    Risco de injeção em ou próximo a estruturas anatômicas vulneráveis

    Para evitar o potencial de danos aos tecidos, KYBELLA® não deve ser injetado dentro ou nas proximidades

    (1 cm-1,5 cm) para glândulas salivares, linfonodos e músculos. Deve-se tomar cuidado para evitar injeção inadvertida diretamente em uma artéria ou veia, pois pode resultar em lesão vascular.

    Alopecia no local da injeção

    Casos de alopecia no local da injeção foram relatados com a administração de KYBELLA®. O início e a duração podem variar entre os indivíduos e podem persistir. Considere suspender os tratamentos subsequentes até a resolução.

    Ulceração, necrose e infecção no local da injeção

    Injeções muito superficiais na derme podem resultar em ulceração e necrose da pele. Casos de ulceração, necrose e infecção no local da injeção foram relatados com a administração de KYBELLA®. Alguns casos de infecção no local da injeção incluíram celulite e abscesso que exigiram tratamento com antibióticos, incisão e drenagem. Não administre KYBELLA® na área afetada até a resolução completa.


    As reações adversas mais comumente relatadas nos principais ensaios clínicos foram: edema/inchaço no local da injeção, hematoma/hematomas, dor, dormência, eritema e endurecimento.

    Consulte as informações completas de prescrição do KYBELLA®.


  • JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC injectable gel is indicated for deep (subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal) injection for cheek augmentation to correct age-related volume deficit in the mid-face and for augmentation of the chin region to improve the chin profile in adults over the age of 21.

    JUVÉDERM® VOLUX® XC injectable gel is indicated for subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal injection for improvement of jawline definition in adults over the age of 21 with moderate to severe loss of jawline definition.

    JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC injectable gel is indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds) in adults over the age of 21.

    JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC injectable gel is indicated for injection into the lips for lip augmentation and correction of perioral rhytids, and for the improvement of infraorbital hollowing in adults over the age of 21.

    JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC injectable gels are indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds).

    JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC injectable gel is also indicated for injection into the lips and perioral area for lip augmentation in adults over the age of 21.



    These products should not be used in patients who have severe allergies, marked by a history of anaphylaxis or history or presence of multiple severe allergies, and should not be used in patients with a history of allergies to Gram-positive bacterial proteins or lidocaine contained in these products.


    • Do not inject into blood vessels. Introduction of these products into the vasculature may lead to embolization, occlusion of the vessels, ischemia, or infarction. Take extra care when injecting soft tissue fillers; for example, after insertion of the needle and just before injection, the plunger rod can be withdrawn slightly to aspirate and verify the needle is not intravascular, inject the product slowly, and apply the least amount of pressure necessary. Rare, but serious, adverse events associated with the intravascular injection of soft tissue fillers in the face have been reported and include temporary or permanent vision impairment, blindness, cerebral ischemia or cerebral hemorrhage leading to stroke, skin necrosis, and damage to underlying facial structures. Immediately stop the injection if a patient exhibits any of the following symptoms: changes in vision, signs of a stroke, blanching of the skin, unusual pain during or shortly after the procedure. Patients should receive prompt medical attention and, possibly, evaluation by an appropriate healthcare professional specialist should an intravascular injection occur

    • Product use at specific sites in which an active inflammatory process (skin eruptions such as cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection is present should be deferred until the underlying process has been controlled


    • To minimize the risk of potential complications, these products should only be used by healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about the anatomy and the product(s) for use in indicated area(s), and who have appropriate training in facial anatomy, vasculature, safe injection techniques, and identification and management of potential adverse events, including intravascular complications

    • The potential risks of soft tissue injections should be discussed with patients prior to treatment to ensure they are aware of signs and symptoms of complications

    • The safety and effectiveness for the treatment of anatomic regions other than indicated areas for each product have not been established in controlled clinical studies

    • The safety for use of these products in patients with known susceptibility to keloid formation, hypertrophic scarring, and pigmentation disorders has not been studied

    • The safety for use during pregnancy and in breastfeeding females has not been established

    • The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC has been established in patients between 35 and 65 years of age for cheek augmentation and in patients between 22 and 80 years of age for chin augmentation

    • The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC in patients under 18 years, and the safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUX® XC, JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC, and JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC in patients under 22 years, has not been established

    • Dermal filler implantation carries a risk of infection. Follow standard precautions

    • Dermal fillers should be used with caution in patients on immunosuppressive therapy

    • Patients taking medications that can prolong bleeding (such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and warfarin) may experience increased bruising or bleeding at treatment sites

    • Patients who experience skin injury near the site of implantation may be at a higher risk for adverse events

    • If laser treatment, chemical peel, or any other procedure based on active dermal response is considered after treatment, or before skin has healed from a procedure prior to treatment, there is a possible risk of eliciting an inflammatory reaction at the injection site

    • The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC injectable gel in patients with very thin skin in the mid-face has not been established

    • The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC with cannula for cheek augmentation has not been established in patients with Fitzpatrick Skin Types V and VI

    • JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC was not evaluated in subjects with significant skin laxity of the chin, neck, or jaw in the chin augmentation study

    • The effect of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC injection into the chin on facial hair growth has not been studied

    • Patients may experience late-onset adverse events with injectable gel implants, and late- onset nodules with use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC

    • Based on preclinical studies, patients should be limited to 20 mL of any JUVÉDERM® injectable gel per 60 kg (132 lb) body mass per year. The safety of injecting greater amounts has not been established

    • Injection of more than 9 mL of JUVÉDERM® VOLUX® XC for improvement of jawline definition has not been studied


    The most common reported side effects for JUVÉDERM® injectable gels were redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps/bumps, bruising, discoloration, and itching. For JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC, dryness was also reported. The majority were mild or moderate in severity.

    To report an adverse reaction with any product in the JUVÉDERM® Collection, please call Allergan® Product Support at 1-877-345-5372. Please visit for more information.

    Products in the JUVÉDERM® Collection are available only by a licensed physician or properly licensed practitioner.


    Juviderm no Pure Essence Center
  • RHA no Pure Essence Center

    Colección de rellenos RHA®


    La colección RHA® de rellenos resistentes de ácido hialurónico (HA) incluye RHA Redensity™, RHA® 2, RHA® 3 y RHA® 4.

    RHA Redensity™ está indicado para inyección en la dermis y la dermis superficial del rostro, para la corrección de rimas periorales dinámicas de moderadas a graves en adultos mayores de 22 años. RHA® 2 está indicado para inyección en la dermis media a profunda para la corrección de arrugas y pliegues faciales dinámicos de moderados a severos, como los pliegues nasolabiales en adultos mayores de 22 años. RHA® 3 está indicado para inyección en la dermis media a profunda para la corrección de arrugas y pliegues faciales dinámicos de moderados a severos, como los pliegues nasolabiales, y también está indicado para inyección en el cuerpo bermellón, el borde bermellón y la comisión oral para lograr el aumento de labios. y labios llenos en adultos de 22 años o más. RHA® 4 está indicado para inyección subcutánea profunda en tejido subcutáneo superficial para la corrección de arrugas y pliegues faciales dinámicos de moderados a severos, como los pliegues nasolabiales en adultos de 22 años o más.



    No utilizar en pacientes que tengan alergias graves, marcadas por antecedentes de anafilaxia o múltiples alergias graves, o en pacientes con antecedentes de alergias a proteínas bacterianas grampositivas o anestésicos locales del tipo amida, como la lidocaína.

    No utilizar en pacientes con trastornos hemorrágicos.


    No inyectar en vasos sanguíneos. La introducción de estos productos en la vasculatura puede provocar embolización, oclusión de los vasos, isquemia o infarto. Tenga especial cuidado al inyectar rellenos de tejidos blandos; por ejemplo, inyecte el producto lentamente y aplique la menor presión necesaria. Se han informado eventos adversos raros, pero graves, asociados con la inyección intravascular de rellenos de tejido blando en la cara, e incluyen discapacidad visual temporal o permanente, ceguera, isquemia cerebral o hemorragia cerebral que provocan un derrame cerebral, necrosis de la piel y daño a la cara subyacente. estructuras. Detenga inmediatamente la inyección si un paciente presenta alguno de los siguientes síntomas: cambios en la visión, signos de un derrame cerebral, palidez de la piel o dolor inusual durante o poco después del procedimiento. Los pacientes deben recibir atención médica inmediata y, posiblemente, evaluación por parte de un profesional de la salud adecuado en caso de que se produzca una inyección intravascular.

    El uso del producto en sitios específicos en los que existe un proceso inflamatorio activo o una infección debe posponerse hasta que se haya controlado el proceso subyacente.


    Estos productos sólo deben ser utilizados por profesionales sanitarios que tengan la formación, la experiencia y el conocimiento adecuados de la anatomía facial.

    Discuta los riesgos potenciales de las inyecciones en tejidos blandos con sus pacientes anteriores para el tratamiento y asegúrese de que los pacientes conozcan los signos y síntomas de posibles complicaciones.

    La seguridad y eficacia para el tratamiento de regiones anatómicas distintas a las indicaciones indicadas no han sido establecidas en los EE.UU. de forma controlada. estudios clínicos.

    Como ocurre con todos los procedimientos transcutáneos, la implantación de relleno dérmico conlleva un riesgo de infección. Se deben seguir las precauciones estándar asociadas con los materiales inyectables.

    No se ha estudiado la seguridad de su uso en sitios en presencia de otros implantes, durante el embarazo, en mujeres que amamantan y en pacientes con susceptibilidad conocida a la formación de queloides, cicatrices hipertróficas y trastornos de pigmentación.

    Usar con precaución en pacientes en tratamiento inmunosupresor.

    Los pacientes que usan productos que pueden prolongar el sangrado (como trombolíticos, anticoagulantes o inhibidores de la agregación de placas) pueden experimentar un aumento del sangrado o sangrado en los sitios de tratamiento.

    Los pacientes con antecedentes de erupciones herpéticas pueden experimentar una reactivación del herpes.

    Existe un posible riesgo de inflamación en el sitio del implante si se realizan tratamientos con láser o una exfoliación química después del tratamiento.

    Utilice los suministros. La modificación o el uso del producto fuera de las Instrucciones de uso puede afectar negativamente la esterilidad, la seguridad, la homogeneidad o el rendimiento del producto.

    Para uso en un solo paciente. No reutilice una siringe entre dos tratamientos y/o entre dos pacientes. No reesterilizar.

    Eventos adversos

    Los efectos secundarios informados con más frecuencia fueron firmeza, enrojecimiento, sensibilidad, hinchazón, bultos/protuberancias, hematomas, decoloración, dolor y picazón. La mayoría de estos eventos fueron leves o moderados y se resolvieron en 14 días.

    La inflamación de aparición tardía cerca del sitio de las inyecciones de relleno dérmico es uno de los eventos adversos conocidos asociados con los rellenos dérmicos. Se han informado casos de inflamación de aparición tardía en el lugar del tratamiento de relleno dérmico después de enfermedades o infecciones virales o bacterianas, vacunas o procedimientos dentales. Por lo general, la inflamación informada respondió al tratamiento o se resolvió por sí sola.

    Para informar una reacción adversa con cualquier producto RHA®, llame a Revance al (877) 373-8669.

    Coleção RHA

  • SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® Important Information


    SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® injectable gel is indicated for intradermal injection to improve skin smoothness of the cheeks in adults over the age of 21.



    This product should not be used in patients who have severe allergies, marked by a history of anaphylaxis or history or presence of multiple severe allergies, and should not be used in patients with a history of allergies to Gram-positive bacterial proteins or lidocaine contained in this product.


    • Do not inject into blood vessels. Introduction of this product into the vasculature may lead to embolization, occlusion of the vessels, ischemia, or infarction. Take extra care when injecting soft-tissue fillers; for example, after insertion of the needle and just before injection, the plunger rod can be withdrawn slightly to aspirate and verify the needle is not intravascular, inject the product slowly, and apply the least amount of pressure necessary. Rare, but serious, adverse events associated with the intravascular injection of soft-tissue fillers in the face have been reported and include temporary or permanent vision impairment, blindness, cerebral ischemia or cerebral hemorrhage leading to stroke, skin necrosis, and damage to underlying facial structures. Immediately stop the injection if a patient exhibits any of the following symptoms: changes in vision, signs of a stroke, blanching of the skin, unusual pain during or shortly after the procedure. Patients should receive prompt medical attention and, possibly, evaluation by an appropriate healthcare professional specialist should an intravascular injection occur

    • Product use at specific sites in which an active inflammatory process (skin eruptions such as cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection is present should be deferred until the underlying process has been controlled

    • Injection site responses consist mainly of short-term inflammatory symptoms and generally resolve within 1 week. Refer to the ADVERSE EVENTS


    • To minimize the risk of potential complications, this product should only be used by healthcare professionals who have appropriate training, experience, and who are knowledgeable about the anatomy at and around the site of injection

    • Discuss all potential risks of soft tissue injections with patients prior to treatment and ensure patients are aware of signs and symptoms of potential complications

    • Limit patients to 20 mL of any JUVÉDERM® injectable gel per 60 kg (130 lbs.) body mass per year. The safety of injecting greater amounts has not been established

    • This product is intended for improving skin smoothness and fine lines of the cheeks. The safety and effectiveness of use in other areas of the body have not been established

    • Injection of more than 6.0 mL of this product (initial and touch-up treatment combined) for improvement of skin smoothness and fine lines of the cheeks has not been studied

    • As with all transcutaneous procedures, injections of the product carry a risk of infection

    • The safety for use during pregnancy, in breastfeeding females, and in patients under 22 years has not been established

    • The safety in patients with known susceptibility to keloid formation, hypertrophic scarring, or pigmentation disorders has not been studied

    • This product should be used with caution in patients on immunosuppressive therapy

    • Patients taking medications that can prolong bleeding (such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and warfarin) may experience increased bruising or bleeding at treatment sites

    • Patients may experience late onset AEs with use of injectable gel implants, including this product

    • This product should only be used by healthcare professionals who have appropriate experience and who are knowledgeable about the anatomy and the product for use in the face

    • If laser treatment, chemical peel, or any other procedure based on active dermal response is considered after treatment, or before skin has healed from a procedure prior to treatment, there is a possible risk of eliciting an inflammatory reaction at the injection site


    In clinical studies, injection site responses (ISRs) observed in >5% of treated subjects included redness, lumps/bumps, swelling, bruising, pain, tenderness, firmness, discoloration, and itching. Most ISRs were mild. Adverse events reported through postmarketing surveillance outside of the United States included inflammatory reaction, inflammatory nodule, unsatisfactory result, loss/lack of correction, allergic reaction, anxiety, vascular occlusion, infection, dry skin, increase/decrease in sensation, and abscess.

    To report an adverse reaction with SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM®, please call the Allergan® Product Support Department at 1-877-345-5372. Please see Directions for Use or visit for more information.

    SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is available only by a licensed physician or properly licensed practitioner.


    Skinvive no Pure Essence Center

    O sistema de laser Clear + Brilliant® (peças de mão de 1440 nm e 1927 nm) é indicado para procedimentos dermatológicos que exigem a coagulação de tecidos moles e o recapeamento geral da pele.


    • As seguintes contraindicações são rotineiras para muitos tratamentos a laser e também podem estar associadas a tratamentos com sistema a laser Clear + Brilliant® não ablativos. A pré-triagem deve incluir, mas não se limitar a:

    • Diagnóstico / possibilidade de ceratose actínica, melasma, rosácea ou outras condições cutâneas significativas (por exemplo, câncer de pele, infecções ativas, herpes labial, feridas abertas, erupções cutâneas, queimaduras, inflamação, eczema, psoríase);

    • Predisposição à formação de queloides ou cicatrização excessiva.

    • Diagnóstico de uma condição que pode comprometer o sistema imunológico, como HIV, lúpus, esclerodermia ou infecções sistêmicas.

    • Sensibilidade conhecida à luz ou se agentes fotossensibilizadores ou medicamentos estiverem sendo tomados.

    • Esteroides sistêmicos (por exemplo, prednisona, dexametasona), que devem ser rigorosamente evitados antes e durante o tratamento.

    • Uso de retinoides, que devem ser evitados por pelo menos 2 semanas antes e durante o tratamento.

    • Pacientes em tratamento para acne com isotretinoína ou medicamentos de classe semelhante.

    • Se a pele ainda está se recuperando de um procedimento cosmético, como um peeling químico ou mecânico, ou um resurfacing a laser; e

    • Se injeções de toxina botulínica ou preenchimentos dérmicos (como colágeno) ocorreram nas últimas 2 semanas.

    • As respostas esperadas ao tratamento incluem eritema, edema, coceira ou ressecamento, aumento da sensibilidade da pele, dor ou desconforto e petéquias.

    O uso indevido do Clear + Brilliant® pode causar ferimentos pessoais ou danos ao sistema. Consulte o Manual do Operador para obter instruções detalhadas, uso adequado e informações completas sobre riscos e segurança. Para obter informações adicionais sobre o produto, visite .

    CUIDADO: A lei federal (EUA) restringe a venda deste dispositivo a médicos ou mediante prescrição médica.

    Claro + Brilhante

    Claro + Brilhante no Pure Essence Center

Para mais perguntas ou para agendar uma consulta sobre qualquer um dos tratamentos mencionados, entre em contato conosco no Pure Essence Center for Wellness and Aesthetics. Nossa equipe se dedica a fornecer a você as informações e o cuidado de que precisa para uma jornada de tratamento segura e informada.

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